- 来自 江苏省
- 精华 0
- 注册 2011-3-5
- 行业 教育科研
大图来咯 小朋友们课上真是热情高涨啊
Firstly, Let's do some exercise~
shake your hands~
Roll your arms~
It's time to ride on the name train~
Let's introduce ourselves~
Let's play with the interactive white board~
You are great~I love you~
This is letter V~
This is letter W~
There is a game----Musical chair~
Lucas~You will be better next time
Can you guess? Which letter is missing?~
shake your hands~
Roll your arms~
It's time to ride on the name train~
Let's introduce ourselves~
Let's play with the interactive white board~
You are great~I love you~
This is letter V~
This is letter W~
There is a game----Musical chair~
Lucas~You will be better next time
Can you guess? Which letter is missing?~